A lot of the men in the NBL learned their trade in college.. as pimply kids. Let’s check out how some of our NBL stars looked like whilst shooting hoops and sitting tests in college.
Ben Allen looking super sweet in Indiana
Alex Pledger
Alex Loughton
Adam Ballinger looking clearly distraught by his youth
Thomas Abercrombie in his Justin Bieber looking phase
Stephen Weigh thinking about the kegger on the weekend
Ben Madgen looking exactly like he does today
Matty Knight proving that the locks were a work in progress
This shot of Luke Nevill was taken by someone shorter than him
Lucas Walker. Nice blonde tips, Lucas
Jamar Wilson. I love this photo
Ian Crosswhite looking more like a business student than an athlete
Cam Gliddon with the Beatles bowl cut
Greg Hire, always looking happy just to be there
Dusty Rychart- Lkes what he sees
Daniel Johnson forgot it was photo day at school
Damian Martin- Matty Knight’s barber in college
Clint Steindl . You’ll grow into that suit
Luke Schenscher. Another with the ‘can’t afford a comb’ look