If the NBL goes retro


Yes, the league launched itself today. One of the many things the NBL announced was the introduction of the heritage round. Now this is something I have thought about and worked on for a little while but decent quality old school NBL pics are hard to come by but the heritage round announcement made me kick my tuckus into gear.

So here is CBAB’s visual representation of what the NBL’s heritage round could look like (without todays sponsors on the jerseys, who wears Reeboks these days anyway?). Who doesn’t love a good throwback.

 Benny Magden looking like Damian Keogh in the Kings get up from yesteryear

Adam Ballinger may looking to offload the ball but he is looking good in pinstripes

Patty Mills is giving an old school look a fresh vibe, the only thing missing is the three pointer goggles

 Kevin Lisch has to sub himself out to see how good he looks in the classic black and red get up of the Wildcats


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